IP6net achieve government Cyber Essentials certification

Ben HayesNews

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We are pleased to announce that as part of our focus on Cyber Security, IP6net has become Cyber Essentials certified. Cyber Essentials is a government-backed cyber security certification scheme that sets out a good baseline of cyber security suitable for all organisations in all sectors. The scheme addresses five key controls that, when implemented correctly, can help to prevent around 80% of cyber attacks.

In brief, Cyber Essentials is all about helping businesses address the basics of cyber security to prevent common attacks, like ransomware and data breaches. Any business can download the Cyber Essentials guidlines and start putting the recommended controls in place.

By achieving Cyber Essentials, we’re letting you know that:

We have put meaures in place to protect our own orgainsation

We take cyber security seriously and meet a Government-endorsed standard

We can bid for Government contracts (Cyber Essentials has been mandatory for suppliers of some Government contracts since 2014)

Our independent audit certificate can be downloaded here

IP6net can assist your business in achieving Cyber Essentials. This will set you apart from competitors and give you clients the confidence that your business takes security seriously. If you are already an IP6net customer and are practicing good security you could achieve this certification in less than a month! Please get in touch with us to find out more.

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